
+1 951 556 2474

Our Projects

Bringing opportunities and innovation to every disadvantaged child in the world- one city, one state, one country, one continent at a time, while adapting sustainability initiatives

Our Projects Includes

Skill for Success

Impacting the lives of youths around rural communities who do not have any form of formal education.

Elderly Training Program

Dedicated to improving the quality of life for elderly individuals and retirees who have limited income and support.

Safe Haven for Athletes

Providing a secure and supportive residential building for student-athletes who find themselves without a place to stay during the summer and winter breaks

We Can’t Help Everyone, But Everyone Can Help Someone.

We are doing what we can through the help of individuals and organisations.  with your support and donation, we will be able to reach more persons as we all strive towards helping one and another stay alive despite the harsh conditions around them.

Join us today as we bring joy to the face of many around us.

Contact us for more info